Thursday, February 27, 2014

Letter #13- Adventures in Florida


Dear Everybody,
Have any of you tried any thing interest before like Frog legs? Well I got to try frog legs from a fish-fry they had on Saturday and at first it tasted like chicken but then had a pond froggy flavor after the second bit. It was great, Sister Hall tried it, she isn't a big fan of fish but she found it interesting too. Well this week another interesting thing that happened was we were driving through a apartment complex and there was this one guy in his car who drove past and then he stops and we stopped and through the car window asks us if we had a boyfriend and if he could get our numbers but we didn't give him our number because we said we can call him to invite him to church, so we got his number.Sister Hall and I just left laughing because of these people and the random things they do. On Sunday we were happy to have a man named Tony come to church for the second time who has been taking the lessons from us for quit a while. I am grateful to be out here in Ocala, Florida and to be sharing what I know with those that we meet. I love ya'll just as Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ Love you! 
With Love,
Sister Hatch

 Sister Hatch eating a frog leg

Frog Legs and Hush Puppies

Sister Hatch is impressed by the big trees they umbrella out to be very big at the top!

Cute Sister Hatch cooking in the apron she made!

Letter #12- New Toys


Dearly beloved Children of God in Arizona,
This past week has been great learning lots and Keeping the lords work going. This week Sister Hall and I got to use I-pads as effectively as we can by showing Mormon Message videos to people that we meet. I know these videos that have been provided for us to share are truly inspired and worth sharing.There are alot of things out there that we can do to help us change. I know out here on my mission I have been changing myself from what I have been learning and experiencing because there is so much to still learn. I have a question to ask you all, like Alma in the book of mormon had asked, "Have ye received his image in your countenances? Have ye experienced this mighty Change in your hearts?" -Alma 5:14. we are to prepare our self's to have a mighty change of heart by reading the scriptures and saying our prayers so that we can stand against the temptations of evil, building those strong walls like Moroni did to protect his people.I know Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ Loves us all and want us to become better every day in all that we do and say. We have this one lady named Tilly, who has two daughters, she is so sweet and is doing all that she can to come closer to our heavenly father.I grateful for the many people I am and have yet to meet out here, Its exciting to find out and see who is going to be behind that door we knock on. I am grateful to be a missionary! Keep up the great work you all do at home! I love you all!
With Love,
Sister Hatch

Letter #11- "Heavenly father and Jesus Christ truly do Love us all!"


Dear Mom,
 Heavenly father and Jesus Christ truly do Love us all! Last week on Thursday, we got I-pads as a whole mission! Sister Hall and I are still working on getting use to them and figuring how to work them. The lord is truly putting a lot of trust in us to teach people online, nationally and Face to face using the neat devices to help enhance the work effectively. I only have one more week left of training! Its crazy how fast time can fly when your putting all your effort and focus on the lords work! some pretty interesting stories that happened this week was we had a preacher guy tell us that the black were the chosen ones and ghettos are part of the tribes of Israel (cant remember what he said exactly).Its just great to be a part of and have the knowledge on the full gospel of Jesus Christ! I Hope you all have a great Valentines week! I love you all! 
With Love,
Sister Hatch

Letter #10- Small Miracles


Dear Mom, 
Well this past week was pretty good, On Monday one of our investigators asked us if we wanted to come help him with some yard work (no missionary can put down a service opportunity) but it was trying to get a day that would work for him and us. So on Saturday evening we went to his house and racked up leaves it was great and we had a neat discussion with him about faith. On Wednesday and Thursday Sister Hall and I went on exchanges with the Sister Training Leaders,Sister Dodd and Phelon. They are such great leaders, every leaders are called for a reason. I was with Sister Phelon in Gainesville, which is where a YSA ward and branch are. Some neat things that happened was we were able to get into contact with a less active and had a really good lesson with her. Also we were just blessed to have been at the right place at the right time to meet the people we wanted to get into contact with. And I know asking inspiring questions or questions of the soul really does help when you are acting with the spirit! Sister Hall and Dodd had some awesome miracles too. On Sunday we got a less active to church because she hasn't been there in a while.Sunday was just great, I love hearing the members testimonies! The Lord blesses you when you are exactly obedient and do all that you can through him.Keep up the awesome things you all do.I love you all so very much!
With Love,
Sister Hatch