Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Letter #29- "Follow in the footsteps of Jesus Christ"

June 16, 2014
Dear everyone,
We had a great week out here. We had a baptism for a girl named Emily.
Is was such a wonderful day for her. It's always exciting and a joy to
see someone follow in the footsteps of Jesus Christ. This baptism of
this young sister has reminded me of when I was baptized and that
choice I have made for myself with the love and support of my family.
I know within this church we are all brothers and sisters, sons and
daughters of a loving Heavenly Father. With every choice we make comes
great joy and excitement and eternal life. I love you all.
With love,

Letter #28- "Spiritual Whirlwinds"

June 9, 2014
Dear everyone,
It's been a pretty great week out here even with this weather. When there's a storm coming it pours and there's no stopping it. With this weather out here it reminds me of of that talk from general conference called spiritual whirlwinds and the part where he talks about the trees and how when in windy storms the tree does things within its self to keep strong and not blow over. These trees out here are certainly built to stand these storms and so can we as we firmly plant our roots in the gospel of Jesus Christ and do everything in our might to stand strong and faithful with his trust and love. I know we may get knocked over sometimes but his arm is always stretched out to us and ready to pick us up.
With love,

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Letter #27- " Great things come forth as you do great things with faith trust and love in the Savior"

June 2, 2014

Dear everyone,
So these past weeks we have been working with a young women age
investigator and she finally went to young women with out us needing
to be in there because the young women invited her there. (we usually
go in Relief Society). It's really important to be fellowshipped in
all aspects of the church so that we can keep strong and learn from
one another. Another great thing that happened this week is sister
Beesley had invited a less active if she would like to come out and
visit people with us and she said yes. It is important to make sure
those you interact with feel your love and the love of the savior to
keep strong. I know great things come forth as you do great things
with faith trust and love in the savior.
With love,

Letter #26- Happy Memorial Day

May 26, 2014

Dear everyone,
Happy Memorial Day to y'all! There's a story in the Book of Mormon I
want to share with you all. So there is this great leader named Moroni
who is a chief commander of an army. He rent his coat and writes on it
"In memory of our God, our religion, and freedom, and our peace, our
wives, and our children" then after he writes on it he puts it on a
pole and raises it high for all to see. Alma 46:11-13. I love that he
stood as leader to defend and that he made in memory for all those
things which are important in our life. I am grateful for this country
I am in today and to be able to have those free choices to make and
having great memories of all those grand leaders who have got us to
where we are today. Love y'all


Letter #25- "We truly are a part of the lords army"

May 19, 2014

It's been a great week. Enjoying talking to people and keeping busy
trying to get down the southern accent, hehe I don't know if I can get
it down. I am looking forward to another great week with sister
Beesley and I talking with a lot of people. I am grateful to be a
missionary and to be seeing many other youths joining as a trump of
The Lord proclaiming this gospel to all those around us. We truly are
a part of the lords army accomplishing great things against the
adversary. Keep steady, strong and true where you stand and what you
With love,
Sister Hatch