Monday, June 29, 2015

Homecoming Talk


Brothers and sisters

How blessed I feel to be to you today! In the Bible dictionary the word Atonement is defined as "'at one' of those who have been  estranged, and denotes reconciliation of man to God is to correct or overcome the consequences of sin." David a Bednar said "One of the principal purpose of our mortal existence is to be changed and transformed through the Atonement of Jesus Christ." I know through my mission i have been able to see the atonement take place and transform a lot of people's lives especially and myself personally. In one particular time you went to visit this less active sister and we were going to share with her the restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ  lesson. When we came to Joseph Smith's first vision my companion asked me to read that out loud and as I did getting to the last part where it said  "one of them spake unto me calling me by name and said pointing to the other this is my beloved son hear him." I felt the spirit confirm to me and to that sister that he does know us individually by name and loves us because "he so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son." The atonement can change us to be a better saint as we are submissive, meek, humble, patient and full of love. An example of the atonement taking place in a person's life on my mission was when we went to go visit a  less active family, brother and sister walker. We knocked on the door, brother Walker lets us in and we talk for a little while. Then sister Walker asks if she can get a priesthood blessing because of a medical issue and we said she can. So we called two brethren in the ward, brother Carney and Jarvis, who came and gave her a blessing that she would get feeling better and that she would be healthy. The spirit was there and she felt well enough to come to church that Sunday. When she had asked for a blessing my companion and I felt like she knew her Father in Heaven loves her and it was great to see the changes she was and is willing to make because of the blessings she received. she let the atonement take place in her life and asked for a blessing which created a change in her, which is repentance. When we accept our savior and ask for his help he is there and is an arm reach away. An example in the book of Mormon of how the atonement changes people's lives was when Alma the younger who was rebellious had an angel come to him and told him to stop doing wicked things. He was so afraid that he couldn't move for 2 days but when he received his strength this is what he said in  Mosiah 27:23-25 which reads (read it). After recognizing what he had done wrong and had the will to make changes he was able to take upon himself that enabling power of the atonement for a better saint. There are always changes that we can make in our lives to become like our Heavenly Father. I love what president Micah Rolfe said about the atonement using his funnel analogy " the atonement of Jesus Christ is like a funnel. it is sufficient for those inside the funnel with the application of it does everything, make the choice to be there and keep pressing forward." As we apply the atonement letting the effects mold us to better we can feel that redeeming love fully. Bear testimony.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Letter #72- Give All You Got!

May 18, 2015
This week has been great! We have had the help of some members here
doing great missionary work, we met with Judie and had sister Hanson
with us which was great! Nancy and Jen are doing great, enjoying
reading the Book of Mormon! There was one day we were biking and we
come across a couple of guys and we stop to talk with them, we and
they had to get going so we set a return appointment for the next day
after our missionary meeting, they told to be careful on our bikes and
of course we said we would! The next day we have a spiritual filled
missionary meeting with great role plays! We head back to our area and
met up with brother vickery to go met the two men. We get there and no
one is answering the door so we go around the corner to see if that's
where they are at but wrong house. We go back to the original door and
try again,still no answer so brother vickery opens the door and walks
towards another door and knocks really loud on that one! So that was
quit an adventure but never the less we were able to met with Matthew
who said he would be willing to read the Book of Mormon all the way
through. Brother vickery has shown sister Clark and I how important it
is to give it your all! Jenn was confirmed on Sunday which was
exciting! There are great things abiding here in st. Augustine! I love
you all!
With love,
Sister Hatch

Letter #71- The Book of Mormon Another Testament of Jesus Christ!

May 11, 2015
Miracles are abounding because of the people, in Florida and all over
the world to Arizona, who have an exceeding great faith which gets
built even stronger everyday because we do not doubt what we know to
be true! We met with Judie a sweet lady who we do service for once in
a while, we invited her to be baptized on May 31st and she said she
would once she knows things are true. I am sure you have heard me talk
about how I love the Book of Mormon so very much, well it's true, it
testifies of Jesus Christs and Heavenly Fathers love for us! We had
exchanges and I was with sister Clay we met a nice man while biking
named Tony who is willing to read the Book of Mormon! A day after our
exchange, sister Clark and I knock in a neighborhood and sister Clark
suggest we try this one door. We do and this sweet lady named Debra
came out and talked with us. We explained to her what's helped us feel
peace and joy,the Book of Mormon! Debra told us that she had lost her
mother a day after Christmas. We testify that she will see her mom
again. Sister Clark shares a scripture from the Book of Mormon which
Debra found very neat to her and asked if we could mark that page for
her, we did and gave her the copy of the Book of Mormon so she could
share that scripture with her brother! The Book of Mormon does answer
questions of the souls and helps bring peace and happiness, I love it!
The elders in this Ward had a baptism for their investigator Kenny
which went great sister Clark and I sang a song there. It was great to
see my family via skype! I am grateful for mothers and fathers and the
roles they have in our lives! I know families are together forever! I
know this gospel is true! I know Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ love
us all so very much individually! I'm grateful to be a missionary at
this marvelous time! I love you all!
Your truly dedicated disciple,
Sister Hatch

Letter #70- Baptism and Preparation!

May 4, 2105
It's been a blessed and funny week. We started our week doing great
things talking with everyone and giving invitations to pray read or
come to church. We met up with Jenn to get things ready for her
baptism! We had a day where we had dinner at the Cusicks (members) and
had a spiritual filled lesson with Michael, which was great. So funny
but miracle story for Jenns baptism! It was a Sunday at 3 and had to
be out by 4 for the next block to meet in the relief society room.
Everything went great. Enjoyed sacrament meeting! We taught gospel
principle class, baptism programs put all together. We get to relief
society, sitting there it just dawned on me that we hadn't started the
font and so I tell sister Clark and we go looking for someone to start
the font, it's started, they say it takes about an hour and a half to
fill. Well it wasn't quit filled all the way by the time we go through
the whole baptism program. But nevertheless last ten minutes of the
hour Jenn goes down in the water and had to go down at least three
times before they can call it good. After all that she was finally
baptized! Jenns dad was there and he said he enjoyed it and was happy
for her! It was blessed time and huge miracle! I'm grateful for the
priesthood, the Book of Mormon, the gospel of Jesus Christ that has
been restored and is still taught today! I know Heavenly Father and
Jesus Christ love us all! I love you all!
With love,
Sister Hatch

Friday, May 1, 2015

Letter #69- What to expect

April 27, 2015
There are so many great people here in st. Augustine. We met with Jenn
again this week and she is getting excited for her baptism. There is
great things coming forth. We have met so many new people this week
and have followed up on people who have been visited in the past.
Saint Augustine is close to a beach and there are so many people here
on visits because there's tourists sights. I'm grateful to know there
are so many people meet. I am still getting to know things around here
but it's a blessed place to be. I love you all.
With love,
Sister Hatch

Letter #68- St. Augustine to the max!

April 20, 2015
Transfers are a little tiring but worth while! Changes are meant to
happen for a reason! The best meal I have had this week was a beef
stroganoff that sister Clark made, it was really delicious! I love
that sister Clark can cook she makes very good meals, I also loves
that she sings at random moments! Her singing is what I like that she
says! Meeting our baptism date Jenn who is so golden was the best
moment. So far what I like about st Augustine is there are tiny little
shops to check out and fun people to talk to, they are all friendly
waving back. I haven't gotten to see to many cool places yet but I
will eventually. The Ward is kind of small here because their bldg
that they originally met at is getting worked on right now. But it's
fun! There some really fun people to talk with out here and the
members are really missionary minded given us referrals like crazy! I
know there is a purpose here for this short little while! Keep those
minds missionary minded and always look for opportunities to serve
others! I love you all!
With love
Sister Hatch

Friday, April 17, 2015

Letter #67- Beginning of last six weeks!

April 14, 2015
It's been a blessed time in Orange park! I am getting ready to head to
st Augustine for the last six weeks of my mission. Sister winkler is
heading home to Canada! I am going to miss the members and wonderful
people in Orange park! There is going to be great things to do in st
Augustine! This week we met with Briana who is so solid and ready to
be baptized! We had Nancy Walker come to church on Sunday which was
great! On Monday we went to the county fair in Orange park which was
neat! We met up with Tabatha and Sullivan Wilemon which was great. We
saw many less actives and got to help our sister kelly put up some
curtains. I know there is much joy and excitement brought into Orange
park with the missionaries and members working together. There is much
joy in my heart for these people in Orange park and for the wonderful
people I am about to met. I love you all!
With love,
Sister Hatch