Monday, June 29, 2015

Homecoming Talk


Brothers and sisters

How blessed I feel to be to you today! In the Bible dictionary the word Atonement is defined as "'at one' of those who have been  estranged, and denotes reconciliation of man to God is to correct or overcome the consequences of sin." David a Bednar said "One of the principal purpose of our mortal existence is to be changed and transformed through the Atonement of Jesus Christ." I know through my mission i have been able to see the atonement take place and transform a lot of people's lives especially and myself personally. In one particular time you went to visit this less active sister and we were going to share with her the restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ  lesson. When we came to Joseph Smith's first vision my companion asked me to read that out loud and as I did getting to the last part where it said  "one of them spake unto me calling me by name and said pointing to the other this is my beloved son hear him." I felt the spirit confirm to me and to that sister that he does know us individually by name and loves us because "he so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son." The atonement can change us to be a better saint as we are submissive, meek, humble, patient and full of love. An example of the atonement taking place in a person's life on my mission was when we went to go visit a  less active family, brother and sister walker. We knocked on the door, brother Walker lets us in and we talk for a little while. Then sister Walker asks if she can get a priesthood blessing because of a medical issue and we said she can. So we called two brethren in the ward, brother Carney and Jarvis, who came and gave her a blessing that she would get feeling better and that she would be healthy. The spirit was there and she felt well enough to come to church that Sunday. When she had asked for a blessing my companion and I felt like she knew her Father in Heaven loves her and it was great to see the changes she was and is willing to make because of the blessings she received. she let the atonement take place in her life and asked for a blessing which created a change in her, which is repentance. When we accept our savior and ask for his help he is there and is an arm reach away. An example in the book of Mormon of how the atonement changes people's lives was when Alma the younger who was rebellious had an angel come to him and told him to stop doing wicked things. He was so afraid that he couldn't move for 2 days but when he received his strength this is what he said in  Mosiah 27:23-25 which reads (read it). After recognizing what he had done wrong and had the will to make changes he was able to take upon himself that enabling power of the atonement for a better saint. There are always changes that we can make in our lives to become like our Heavenly Father. I love what president Micah Rolfe said about the atonement using his funnel analogy " the atonement of Jesus Christ is like a funnel. it is sufficient for those inside the funnel with the application of it does everything, make the choice to be there and keep pressing forward." As we apply the atonement letting the effects mold us to better we can feel that redeeming love fully. Bear testimony.

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